Friday, December 24, 2010

Etymology of the name

Over the years, many people have asked me how I came up with the name "Sorka Spellbound". I've been using the name Sorka since 1997.  The name Sorka came from Anne McCaffrey's fantasy series "The Dragonriders of Pern". Sorka was the first queen dragonrider. She was an admirable character, with a strong sense of adventure. I started playing an online text based role playing game called Major Mudd. That was bck in the days when the game was on a local BBS (bulletin board system). I wanted an unusual name for the character I created and Sorka came to mind. I don't recall the original surname that I gave her and over the years of playing the game there were many Sorkas. The original character I created was a mage and the name Sorka was always given to my mage, which was my favorite character to play.. The surname Spellbound was rather sentimental in its' creation. I was playing on a board where one of the highest experienced mages in the world was being played. Naturally I had quite a bit of admiration for the character (and his creator!). You could say I was "spellbound" by the character's amazing powers. So since there was a bit of a crush there and since my character was a magic user after all, I thought "Spellbound" was appropriate. She's become my online name in almost every place I go on the 'Net. It is an unusual name and I've been fortunate to be able to get it every time I've needed to register a screen name!

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