Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saying a sad goodbye

So, I'm visiting my sister and her family in Florida. This is an important visit because my sister, brother in law and nephew are moving way up to Alaska in a couple of months. Having lived down here before and only having been gone a few months, I still have friends down here.Some I haven't gotten to see but at least I've seen some important ones. You know the kind of friends, those that you formed that immediate deep bond with. I got to see my past and my future selves while I was here. One is what I'd consider a spiritual mentor, kindred spirit and all around wonderful woman. She is so very much what I aspire to be. The other is a young woman who I consider to be a second daughter, "daughter of the heart" is how I put it. She's an incredible young woman who has known what it is struggle and have to work hard. She's so sweet and kind.

I got to see them both this time and for that I am profoundly thankful. You see, with my sister moving away, I don't really have family down here to come see so I'm not sure when I'll see them again. But I got my hugs and we got to visit. Now comes the leaving my sister on Tuesday. That'll be hard but I know I'll see her in Alaska in a couple of years. Grad school is going to make travel impossible for me for awhile. Wow, so much going on!

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